These bags are the best! I have my own and give them as gifts all the time. It's clear a lot of thought went into the design - they're spacious and strong and comfortable to carry and they're so cute!
This is a great bag! Really cute and roomy and strong with handles that make it easy carry by hand but also big enough to be a shoulder bag. It folds down to convenient small size you can tuck into your bag or backpack so you always have it with you. Love that it's made out of recycled plastic!
Gave this cute bag to a dog loving friend. She loved the bag & gave it four paws up:)
Excellent product with lots of compliments received!
Love this artist and was excited to see the collaboration! The colors are fun and vibrant and the quality of the bag does the artwork justice.
Hey Heather, Thanks so much for your review! We are so happy to hear you love the Dogs Art Sack, we worked really hard to create good quality bags and love that we get to show off Kristina's work. Keep you eye out for more bag collabs and let us know if you need anything. Best, Knoa